Ten coast redwood saplings were delivered to Mill Creek on March 14, 2017.
Nathan Beagle, Public Works Supervisor, accepts delivery of ten redwood saplings for the city of Mill Creek on March 14, 2017.
Redwood saplings being planted in Mill Creek’s Heron Park on March 23, 2017.
The first of ten trees planted is a clone of the Fieldbrook stump, which had a diameter of 32 feet.
The Fieldbrook tree was cut down in 1890, but if it were alive today, it would likely be over 400 feet tall and over 3500 years old. It would be the largest tree by height and volume on the planet.
Preparing another spot to plant a redwood sapling at Heron Park in Mill Creek.
Getting ready to put a redwood sapling into the hole already dug.
Let’s put another tree over here.
Here’s a spot that’s off the beaten path.
This redwood sapling is a clone of the Barrett Stump, which had a circumference of 84 feet. It, too, was planted in Heron Park in Mill Creek on March 23, 2017.
Mill Creek Planting Data taken March 23, 2017.
Ten coast redwood saplings ready for delivery to Mill Creek in January 2017.