
Daily photos and accounts of the tree climbing expedition are shown on the attached pages.  Here is the expedition itinerary.

California Climbing/Planting Expedition Agenda

May 21st – May 31st, 2016



Jake Milarch – Archangel Ancient Tree Archive

David Milarch – Archangel Ancient Tree Archive

Bo Burke/Sam – Climb-A-Tree

Andrew Kittsley – BCMA, Orlando FL

Jim Clark – Tree Machine, LLC.

Bartlett Team – Jason Kappan, Jake Careful, Autumn Careful, Wayne Ellison, Richard Ellison, Aaron Johns

DAY OF May 21st – Travel Day – Arrive in Fresno, CA @ 3:24PM

Drive to Camp Nelson (2 HRS)

NIGHT OF May 21st – DAY OF 24th – Stay at Camp Nelson Lodge

LODGING:  www.campnelsonlodge.com – Sequoia National Park 1699 Nelson Dr., Camp Nelson CA 93208

Agenda:  Climb/Collecting Giant Sequoia w/ Bartlett Team

NIGHT OF May 24th  – Drive to San Fran (3 HRS)

DAY OF May 25th – Drive to Redwoods (3.2 HRS)

LODGING:  Redwood Rivers Resort 7500 Hwy 101, Leggett CA 95585


NIGHT OF May 25th – May 26th  – Stay at Redwood River Resort

Agenda:  Climb/Collecting Redwoods w/ Bartlett Team

DAY OF May 27th – May  29th –  Driving to Crescent City, CA & Port Orford, OR

Agenda:  View Jed Smith, Redwoods, planting at Terry’s


DAY OF May 30th – May 31st – Drive to San Fran

Agenda:  Wrap-up

MORNING OF May 31st – Depart San Fran @ 6:52AM