Video Series done by Connie Barlow on Assisted Migration of Redwoods and Sequoias to the Pacific Northwest:
CTL 9A – California Redwoods Thrive in Pacific NW – Intro & Hutt Park (55 min):
CTL 9a is the first in what will become a series of videos on how landscapers (beginning a century or more ago) introduced California’s Coast Redwood and interior Giant Sequoia to the Pacific Northwest — ranging from Portland to Puget Sound. Host: Connie Barlow.
CTL 9B – Assisted Migration of California’s Giant Conifers to Puget Sound for the Children (30 min):
CTL 9B is the second installment in the Redwood/Sequoia theme (episode 9) of the ongoing “Climate, Trees, and Legacy” video series, by retired science writer Connie Barlow.
CTL 9C – Pacific NW Urban Trees Include California’s Giants (44 min):
CTL 9C was filmed in 2016 and 2017, assembled August 2017. This is the third segment of a multi-part video series exploring how giant trees of California’s redwood clan have already had humans help them with “assisted migration” poleward, thanks to landscapers in the Pacific Northwest who planted them in urban areas decades ago. Host: Connie Barlow.
CTL 9D – California Sequoias Thrive in Urban Parks of Seattle and Portland (33 min):
CTL 9D is the fourth segment of the video series documenting that California’s Sequoia and Redwood trees thrive in coastal Pacific NW — an example of “assisted migration” poleward well underway. Filmed in 2016 and 2017, assembled August 2017. Host: Connie Barlow.
CTL 9E – California Sequoias to Inland Pacific NW: Is it too dry? (36 min):
This is the fifth segment of the video series documenting that California’s Sequoia and Redwood trees thrive in Pacific NW — an example of “assisted migration” poleward well underway. Filmed in 2016 and 2017, assembled August 2017. Host: Connie Barlow.